About the Owner

Let me first start off by saying I am probably the sassiest, outspoken, CRAZY person you will ever meet. I am sorry in advance, but, not really. But seriously, that being said, I have been almost everywhere, seen almost everything and been almost everybody. But for the longest, I’ve been a licensed Cosmetologist and I have done everything in the field including stepping away from it. But now I am back and better than ever. Starting from the bottom as the front desk girl in Water Tower for a high end salon, the nail lady at Flirty Girl Fitness dancing on top of bars, the facial and the body wrap Esty bestie at a popular Day Spa, Chicago’s FINEST BLACK flight attendant for a major US Airline and Master Brazilian Wax Specialist of a lot of vagina’s including my own.
All those were such beautiful job titles, so I knew I had to top myself, like... what do you become after being a Flight Attendant? Flying first class? Up in the sky, living my life, in the fast lane... Ok enough, I'm having terrible flashbacks, because that job was anything BUT glamorous (whew, chile the stories). But, seriously, WHAT DO YOU BECOME?! So, I sat and I thought about how I don't want to clock in and out for lunch, how I rather just eat constantly and clock in whenever, you know, the basic American dream... And then it came to me...BOOM...BITCH, BE YOUR OWN BOSS. Duh!!! I Couldn’t figure out any other career to top being a Flight Attendant, so I created one, mixed it with a little bit of passion and what I myself look for in a company and did everything on all on my terms.
How I came up with the idea is pretty weird but I am going to try to explain it to you in the simplest way I can. If you speak to anyone who knows me, like...really, REALLY knows me they will tell you that I have a water bill to pay prior to leaving their house because I take 45 minute showers. For some odd reason I do not feel clean unless I wash my ass three times while I am in the shower. I literally NEED to hear my skin screech when I run my hand over it. After I proceed to get out of the shower, I remain in the bathroom for an addition 45 mins to an hour primping and prepping to ensure that I not only look good but I also feel good and I smell good. Many may say that this is being conceded but I call it self care because I be damn if I am out and about ABSOLUTELY FEELING MYSELF and someone ruins my day by saying I'm funky and I got a booger in my nose. You know the saying "You are your brand?"; well, I came up with a brand that reflects me as a person, a brand that instills confidence, a product that leaves people lookin' good, feelin' good and smellin' good.

Now, how I got here wasn't as glamourous and funny. In fact, I remember it like it was only a few months ago because in fact...it was. There I was...in the middle of a pandemic, sitting in my big orange bean bag in my living room, with a pink bonnet on my head that is literally hanging on by it's last thread...just as ugly as ugly can get. BUT IT GETS UGLIER. DUN DUN DUNNN. That’s how I was sitting when I found out I got fired...during a global pandemic...from a boss who had JUST had a talk with me WEEKS prior about how proud she was of me and all I do and how happy all of my clients were when I was through servicing them. I felt like I was in the movie Friday ( After 27 years on earth, I've done everything but watch this movie, I just saw this recently, good movie 5 stars, I would HIGHLY recommend). Damn girl...how do you get fired on your day off? Did I mention this happened during a pandemic?... OH, HOW I LOVE CORPORATE AMERICA AND HOW MUCH THEY HALF ASS VALUE THEIR EMPLOYEES. But, business...business is, well...business, and you’ll never really understand until you have one. So that's what I did. I went and got me some business...A BUSINESS actually. And let’s just say the rest is history... in the making. So, I welcome you, to a business who accepts you for who you are, all while providing you with products and services that keep you "lookin' good, feelin' good and smellin' good".
Welcome to Bawdy Bar & Boutique.